Beware of Scams
There are SCAMS on Social Media, like Facebook, related to Powerball, Mega Millions and other Lottery games.
If you see a post suggesting you can claim a prize, DO NOT click, share, respond or re-post.
Again, these are SCAMS. We strongly suggest you do not respond or repost in any way.

There is no way to stop them without your help! Here’s what you can do:
- Never redeem a Lottery ticket for someone you do not know.
- Never give your credit card numbers to anyone promising lottery cash prizes or memberships.
- Never respond or send money to someone who offers you a guarantee of winning a prize. The New Mexico Lottery does not guarantee you a prize, only a chance of winning one if you buy a legal ticket from an authorized New Mexico Lottery retailer.
- If you are going to participate in a “lottery pool,” do so only with people you know and trust.
- Buy Lottery tickets only from authorized New Mexico Lottery retailers. Look for a Lottery-issued Retailer Certificate.
The Lottery provides fun, excitement and prizes for players. Don’t allow these scam artists to take your money and spoil your fun.
Con artists, using bogus or altered New Mexico Lottery tickets, try to scam their victims out of tens of thousands of dollars.
While every scam is unique, there are some common themes.
The Most Common Tricks – and The Truth
The Scam: | The Truth: |
“This is a winning ticket, but I need money to claim it. If you help me with the upfront money, I’ll share the jackpot with you.” | Once a ticket is bought, no money is EVER required to claim a prize. |
“I can’t cash in my winning Lottery ticket because I’m not a U.S. citizen.” | You don’t have to be a U.S. citizen to claim a lottery prize. |
“Let’s call the Lottery. They’ll tell us this is a winning ticket.” | We NEVER confirm that a ticket is a winner over the phone. The person on the phone is part of the scam. |
“We need to hurry! I need to get back to my family – it’s an emergency!” | The thieves are trying to rush you so you don’t have time to think or call someone for advice. |
The old saying still holds true: “If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is.” Don’t be a victim and don’t let anyone you know be a victim. When you hear one of these stories, get away, call the police, and give them a description. Help stop these criminals, before they strike again.
If you feel you have been a victim of a lottery scam, call the New Mexico Attorney General’s Office Toll Free 1-844-255-9210 or submit a form at
New Mexico Attorney General’s Santa Fe Office
408 Galisteo Street
Villagra Building
Santa Fe, NM 87501
Toll Free: 1-844-255-9210

New Mexico Lottery Authority Security & Enforcement Division
PO Box 93130
Albuquerque, NM 87199-3130
(505) 342-7650